Ultimate GUI Kit

Publisher pondomaniac
File size 28.38MB
Number of files 1046
Latest version 1.0.4
Latest release date 2015-03-10 03:19:53
First release date 2014-07-12 12:32:13
Supported Unity versions 2018.4.2 or higher
This is a complete GUI kit to make you forget the UI part when you are creating a 2d or a 3d game . It's using the last Unity features like Sprites and some features that are associated with them and also it features facebook connexion and more.

Features :
- Easy docummented code.
- Easy to paramater project using unity inspectors.
- Good animation.
- Can run smoothly on all platforms.
- Includes Facebook connection.
- Includes level selector engine.
- Includes player preference saving.

Very smooth!
Animations are very smooth.

Beautiful graphics & sounds!
Display some cool graphics and sounds that let you enjoy the GUI experience .

Link to the demo

"sound effects" by Bart Kelsey, Jesús Lastra. on OpenGameArt.org
"graphics" by graphicburger and freepik

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