Tyrannosaurus -Virtual Dinosaur-

Publisher KakeruFujimiya
File size 40.82MB
Number of files 17
Latest version 1
Latest release date 2024-03-06 12:32:14
First release date 2024-03-06 12:32:14
Supported Unity versions 2018.4.2 or higher


■Data Details

Model: 14381 polygons

Texture: Color/Normal (4K)

■How to Use

・Placement in the scene

Please drag and drop the data in the prefab folder into the scene or Hierarchy.

・Switching animations

The following triggers of the animator attached to the dinosaur will play the respective animation

Sit, Howl, Shake, Eat, Drink, Dig, Step, Blink, Yawn, Attack, Damage (Sit serves as a trigger for both ‘stand’ and ‘sit’)

Also, by setting the following Bool values to true, the moving motion is played, and by setting them to false, it becomes a waiting motion

Walk, LeftTurn, RightTurn

Furthermore, you can control the movement of the face and tail with the following Float values

HeadH (-1 to 1), HeadV (-1 to 1), TailSpeed

For more details, please refer to the script attached to the Director object. Also, please customize the animator as needed.

・Changing colors

Change each material item attached to the "Body" and "Eye" of the dinosaur child object.

If you want to change it with a script, please refer to the script attached to the Director object.