Tyrannosaurus Rex 3D Model

Publisher Vipera Games
File size 23.66MB
Number of files 16
Latest version 1
Latest release date 2018-08-09 11:10:29
First release date 2018-08-09 11:10:29
Supported Unity versions 2018.4.2 or higher
Tyrannosaurus Rex 3D model with textures and animations.

10 animations:
- Attack
- Attack_spin
- Die
- idle1
- idle2
- Roar
- Run
- Run_Bite_Attack
- Run_Head_Attack
- Walk
Low Poly model with LODS
LOD0 - 36104 verts, 65534 tris
LOD1 - 19541 verts, 33076 tris
LOD2 - 10199 verts, 13596 tris

Textures for standard shader and one
baked for mobile.

2 scenes: - demo - demo_mobile

Prefabs prepared.

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