Truck and trailers


Publisher KIVS
File size 85.79MB
Number of files 155
Latest version 1
Latest release date 2019-08-14 07:44:10
First release date 2018-01-12 12:40:30
Supported Unity versions 2018.4.2 or higher
Collection of truck and 7 semi-trailers

- optimized meshes
- 3 LODs for each model
- 4K albedo, normal and metallic maps
- separated moving parts
- albedo PSD-sources with layers for changing the colors, texts, logos
- customized prefabs with LOD-groups, lights and wheels
Cabin interior is not quite detailed for the first-person looking from salon.

- PDF-manual

- some wheels albedo textures to avoid encountering extrinsic lines on mip-maps

- semi-trailer Lowboy "PST-08ET"
- wheel "LB3500"

- semi-trailer container carrier "LU300"
- wheels "TFE"-1 and "TFE-2"
- backlights "VehLight KIVS SB-601"
- semi-trailer chassis "TSP94"
- headpiece "Logging WDN3502"
- headpiece "Drop-side BRT967"
- customized semi-trailers prefabs "Logging WDN3502 (chassis TSP94)", "Drop-side BRT967 (chassis TSP94)" and "Container carrier LU300"

- added the spare wheel to "chassis semi-trailer LTS410"
- fixed the mesh of "chassis semi-trailer LTS410" (to fit the spare wheel)
- fixed the hierarchy of "MTruck 6x4 BLS" and "Chassis semi-trailer LTS410" objects (now each LOD1 and LOD2 is being a child to appropriate LOD0)
- fixed the incorrect UV0 of "OilTank_UNM2907_LOD1"
- optimized the source PSD-files, sizes are decreased
- removed all of the flares from vehicle lights prefabs (as well as light control scripts and materials)

This package is compatible with my Intermodal containers package

If you encountered any kind of problem using my assets, please contact me [email protected]

-"Various Inversed Characters" Youtube channel-

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