Tilt Top Table - PBR


Publisher SVG3D
File size 196.88MB
Number of files 42
Latest version 1
Latest release date 2018-11-27 10:24:08
First release date 2018-11-27 10:24:08
Supported Unity versions 2018.4.2 or higher
The package includes a demo scene and prefabs.

This prop uses PBR Metallic - Roughness workflow and has several Albedo, Normal and Roughness textures you can mix and match to change the material definition. The material presets shown are just some of the variations available and you can make your own changes with the Material ID map provided.

The package has 2 versions of the prefab, one has several parts that you can edit and put together as somewhat modular pieces, an example can be found in the demo scene. The second has two parts for the base table and the table top that can be rotated.

Each part is grouped in a logical way for easy rotation and editing. The pivots for each piece correspond to the rotation center for that part.

4 Materials included for different colored wood types and finishes, each wood type has a dirty version of the material.

Assets include Colliders and Rigid Bodies for simple physics interaction.

Technical details: All textures use the lossless .tga or .png file format to keep quality.

Texture resolution - 2048:
8 Albedo, 8Normal, 8 Metallic, 8 Roughness, 1 Ambient Occlusion, 1 Material ID

Tri count - 18,260

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