[The Jade Sword] Oriental Monsters - EP2.OCEAN


Publisher Volthes
File size 9.43MB
Number of files 146
Latest version 1
Latest release date 2019-10-15 11:33:09
First release date 2019-10-15 11:33:09
Supported Unity versions 2018.4.2 or higher
[The Jade Sword]
It's all about a chinese fantasy legend, inspired by story 'WEST JOURNEY' and 'Canonization of the Gods'

[OCEAN pack]
In Chinese legend, dragons(or devine serpent) live in ocean. They conquer rain and seas, all of ocean creatures can be raised to humanoid to serve them.
I specially designed a mermaid witch. In Chinese poetry we say "Mermaid can tear pearl"
She has a name Haery, means sea glass. Hope you guys like her!
Catfish : 3216 tris 256x256 texture
Sea Emperor : 3061 tris 512x512 texture
Grand Queen : 4126 tris 512x512 texture
Lobster : 3047 tris 256x256 texture
Mermaid : 2452 tris 512x512 texture
Sand Crab : 7258 tris 512x512 texture
Scorpion : 1144 tris 512x512 texture
Toad : 2795 tris 256x256 texture
Tortoise : 1364 tris 256x256 texture

-HQ with light up shader,up to 1024 texture -Mobile ready!
-Characters Designed by a famous writter, they are alive, they have details in art design
[About them]
They were used in my last individual game The Jade Sword.
But sadly my game failed because of many tech problems.

I am going to release them for all of you who like Oriental Style Games especially Chinese legends.

-Models with a full set of animations walk, get hit, run, stand, standby and a design of skills
-HQ up to 1024 texture and a beautiful shader for mobile

Publishing this month:
-Wild Monsters
-Ocean Monsters (this it is)
-Ghosts( all from West Jouney, recommended! )
-Evil Power
-Heroes in special suits,like Lunar Festival, Traditional Dynasty, Fantasy, and so on.
-Allied Forces, you love them but they are not yours to command.

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