The Heretic: VFX Character

Publisher Unity Technologies
File size 309.58MB
Number of files 251
Latest version 1
Latest release date 2020-05-20 10:22:12
First release date 2020-05-20 10:22:12
Supported Unity versions 2018.4.2 or higher

At the end of The Heretic short film, we introduce Morgan, a VFX-based character created entirely with the help of Unity’s VFX Graph. In this project you can see how this complex character is put together, and try for yourself how manipulating the set-up directly in Unity feels like. Playing around with the VFX Graph, you’re free to give the design your own twist.

Also available on GitHub.

Here’s what you can do with the package:
    • VFX morphing: morph the effects covering Morgan.
    • Shape morphing: morph the underlying skinned mesh between feminine and masculine shapes.
    • Appearance tweaks: other elements of Morgan’s visual appearance, including how close the particles stick to the mesh.
    • Fire: adds an extra layer of intensity.
    • Crumble: several ways to make Morgan disintegrate into pieces.
    • Debug: each feature has debug options.

Each of the features mentioned above has several customization options exposed in Morgan’s Inspector. In total, that means that there are over 300 parameters that you can tweak in real time to achieve a wide variety of results.

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