The DARK Series - The Blood King & Enemies


Publisher penusbmic
File size 213.02kB
Number of files 29
Latest version 1
Latest release date 2022-03-14 01:45:13
First release date 2022-03-14 01:45:13
Supported Unity versions 2018.4.2 or higher

This Pack Includes:

  • Ghoul (62x33) - Static Idle, Wake, Walk, Attack, Hit, Death, & Spawn Animations
  • Summoner (46x44) - Idle, Move, Summon, hit, & death animations
  • Spitter (57x39) - Idle, Walk, Attack, hit, & death animations
  • Spitter Projectile (16x16) - Travel, burst 1, & burst 2 animations
  • The Blood King (168x79) - Idle, run, charge up,  charge,  charge down,  finisher,  double slash , dodge charge attack, stab and spin attack,  jump + slam attack ,  hit, death/blood teleport, and blood heart slam attack. See below for a combo.

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