Text To Texture

Publisher Maid'n'Mate
File size 11.63MB
Number of files 17
Latest version 1
Latest release date 2024-11-06 07:53:14
First release date 2024-11-06 07:53:14
Supported Unity versions 2018.4.2 or higher

Introducing the Text To Texture – a powerful tool designed to bring your 3D Text Mesh Pro text to life with realistic lighting, shadows, and advanced material control in Unity!

With this asset, you can:

  • Create Realistic 3D Text Effects: Convert Text Mesh Pro text into textures that integrate seamlessly with materials, giving the illusion of real 3D text with full shadow and lighting support.
  • Extrusion and Depth Effects: Add depth by extruding text directly on materials, making text look and feel truly three-dimensional.
  • Customizable Color and Alignment: Easily modify the color and alignment of text to blend perfectly within your 3D environment.
  • Dynamic Runtime Updates: Change text on-the-fly for interactive scenes, perfect for displaying information in real time.
  • Light Pass Cutouts: Use text cutouts that let light pass through, achieving unique, eye-catching lighting effects and illuminating scenes with creative flair.
  • Adjustable Roughness and Texture Masks: Control roughness for the perfect material finish and utilize pre-generated masks for optimized performance, so your text can look great without runtime overhead.

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