Terrain Smith (alpha)


Publisher Teebar
File size 37.18MB
Number of files 317
Latest version 0.2a
Latest release date 2017-12-20 05:50:41
First release date 2017-10-09 08:28:22
Supported Unity versions 2018.4.2 or higher
Easily design terrain by stamping height, alpha, and detail maps.

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Not a random terrain generation system!

- Fast shader based workflow so you see results as you work.
- Branching path system, for creating roads, rivers, or mountain ranges.
- Mass place trees and grass details with rules on where they can and can't be placed.
- Use brushes from Photoshop and Gimp to mask stamps.
- Change Terrain height, control, and alpha resolutions without losing your map.
- (Early) Export/import Terrain as a text file.
- (Early) Basic random noise generation features.

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