Survival items


Publisher FrodaJan
File size 60.81MB
Number of files 77
Latest version 1
Latest release date 2018-08-03 04:33:20
First release date 2018-08-03 04:33:20
Supported Unity versions 2018.4.2 or higher
Survival items package. It includes 8 items for survival in any environment. All subjects are low poly.

On each of the items 2 types of texture (clean and dirty)

Pick(258 polys) textures 1024-1024
Glock(736 polys) textures 2048-2048
Lighter(225 polys) textures 1024-1024
Lom(133 polys) textures 1024-1024
Lamp(303 polys) textures 1024-1024
Machete(506 polys) textures 1024-1024
Axe(253 polys) textures 1024-1024
-Total amount polys 3370

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