Publisher Excalibur Studios
File size 11.02MB
Number of files 70
Latest version 1
Latest release date 2020-05-25 12:40:16
First release date 2020-05-25 12:40:16
Supported Unity versions 2018.4.2 or higher

This is a collection of different Idles and Abilities which can be used for a variety of purposes. From a superhero to a mage to a sorcerer, there is an animation for any of your needs! The animations are rigged to the Humanoid rig and demonstrated on the Robot Kyle Model.

There is a total of 64 animations.

12 Idle Animations

52 Ability Animations

Some ability animations have charge up and Idle animations. These abilities have a full animation clip and then an idle animation. There are some that have combo animations which you can use together to create a longer animation.

Aim Offset is included for the Telekinesis Animations.

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