Stylized Rocks and Stones Pack


Publisher Yuppi
File size 181.92MB
Number of files 618
Latest version 1
Latest release date 2021-11-11 03:30:17
First release date 2021-11-11 03:30:18
Supported Unity versions 2018.4.2 or higher

   This pack is suitable for stylized games of any genre.

   The Stylized Rocks and Stones Pack includes 9 unique rocks meshes and 23 unique stones meshes.

   Each object has its own basic textures (4 options: Brown, Brown-Gray, Gray, Red) in 4K resolution, as well as 3 additional textures (Moss, Sand, Snow) superimposed on top.

   All prefabs (except StoneBorders, Fences, Stairs, StoneRoad, Stone_M) have all sides. Therefore, you can place them on either side. And with the help of custom shaders, you can adjust the placement of textures as you need.

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