Stylized fantasy pagan village Demo


Publisher charttyp
File size 53.95MB
Number of files 64
Latest version 1
Latest release date 2024-11-23 12:23:12
First release date 2024-11-23 12:23:12
Supported Unity versions 2018.4.2 or higher

This Demo have 14 assets:

- House

- Tree

- Grass

- Flower

- Barrel

- Chest

- Branch

- Bush

- Chest pank with apples

- Fence

- Fence made of branches

- Laundry

- Sack

- Wheelbarrow

Full version: Stylized fantasy pagan village

I would appreciate if you would rate and comment my work and if you have any questions or suggestions feel free to maile to me or visit my discord.

[email protected]


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