Stylized Dungeon Props Pack

Publisher CobraGamesAssets
File size 1.66GB
Number of files 539
Latest version 1.0.0
Latest release date 2025-03-04 10:52:11
First release date 2025-03-04 10:52:11
Supported Unity versions 2018.4.2 or higher

Stylized Dungeon Props Asset Pack:

This environment asset pack contains 39 unique meshes and 71 prefab models in total. There are 41 standard prefab pieces plus an extra 30 "Moss Variant" textured prefabs to vary your environments as you see fit. Works best bolstering existing dungeon environments with more prop and architecture choices for your levels!

Assets have a low-poly design with one or two pieces being more mid-poly.

Assets have also been textured with a stylized theme to fit the low-poly nature of the models.

First 6 images are from the layout scene of all of the pieces in the pack.

Last 6 images are examples of many of the props being used in dungeon levels.

Full Models List:


Bed Frame



Bookshelf A

Bookshelf B

Cabinet Door Left

Cabinet Door Right


Candle Dish



Chest Door Left

Chest Door Right

Chest Empty

Chest With Doors

Chest With Drawers

Chest With Shelves

Crate Large

Crate Small

Doorway Arched

Doorway Standard


Fire Bin

Fire Dish

Level Door Arched

Level Door Standard

Level Doorway Arched

Level Doorway Standard

Market Stool A

Market Stool B



Pot Large

Pot Small


Table Large

Table Small

Weapon Rack

Moss Variants:

Barrel Moss

Bed Frame Moss

Bookshelf A Moss

Bookshelf B Moss

Cabinet Door Left Moss

Cabinet Door Right Moss

Cabinet Moss

Chair Moss

Chest Door Left Moss

Chest Door Right Moss

Chest Empty Moss

Chest With Doors Moss

Chest With Drawers Moss

Chest With Shelves Moss

Crate Large Moss

Crate Small Moss

Doorway Arched Moss

Doorway Standard Moss

Drawer Moss

Fire Bin Moss

Fire Dish Moss

Level Door Arched Moss

Level Door Standard Moss

Level Doorway Arched Moss

Level Doorway Standard Moss

Pot Large Moss

Pot Small Moss

Table Large Moss

Table Small Moss

Weapon Rack Moss

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