
Publisher Fabian Hager
File size 8.40MB
Number of files 4
Latest version 1
Latest release date 2014-03-24 06:36:29
First release date 2014-03-07 02:16:52
Supported Unity versions 2018.4.2 or higher

This is a camera script for Unity which is optimized for strategy games (RTS, TBS and MOBA).

Official Thread


- C# camera script for strategy games

- easy to use: just drop the script on your main camera, works fine with default values

- swift but smooth: every movement is smoothed nicely, yet it is still very responsive

- customizable: play with 30 different variables (speed, smoothness, special behaviour, boundaries, etc.)

- keyboard-controllable: every input is also accessible for keyboard commands (and those are customizable as well)

- based on the x-z-plane

- optional: zoom-dependent inclination, snap-back for rotation and inclination , scrolling with x-wrap or z-wrap, zoom-to-cursor

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