Squad Based Movement System

Publisher Omega10 Productions
File size 408.38kB
Number of files 18
Latest version 1
Latest release date 2018-11-05 10:38:07
First release date 2018-07-02 08:48:18
Supported Unity versions 2018.4.2 or higher

Link to video

Add squad movements and formations to your game! Whether moving objects as a group or independently, you can now do it in mere seconds!


- Simple implementation: Add one object to your scene and attach the follower script to the objects you wish to add to your squad!

- Formations: Comes with four example formations that you can toggle between. Alter them, remove them, or add more!

- Add and remove followers at any point in time: The system automatically adjusts formations when you add or remove followers from the squad. Just in case one of them dies....

- Ability to toggle the leader of the squad.

- Ability to switch your followers from moving as a single unit to moving independently and back again.

- Click and drag movement.

New to Version 1.1:

- Rigged and animated character models - Ready for use with the Unity Animator!