

Publisher OrangeTree
File size 20.08MB
Number of files 125
Latest version 1.9.6
Latest release date 2023-01-20 09:30:00
First release date 2012-09-12 06:11:06
Supported Unity versions 2018.4.2 or higher

Contacts: [email protected]

- Documentation is here.

- Full source code.

- Share Editing with Google Spreadsheet!

- Encryption supported "PRAGMA key=..."

- Helps organize statistics or score in one single database file to enjoy sophisticated search using SQL language and benefits of keeping everything in one place.

- All platforms are supported (full code, no dlls). Tested on WebGL, IOS, Android, PC and Mac.

- It can be used for game scenarios or settings storage which could be easily modified by great tools like SQLite Database Browser.

- Best advantage is that you can read or download database file into memory, which is crucially important for platforms like WebPlayer where access to the file system is restricted.

- Unity's coroutine asynchronous calls are supported.

- Asynchronous Database Examples!

- Support UTF-8, BLOB.

- SQLite native file format.

- IL2CPP supported.

- Native SQLite API nicely wrapped in C#.

- PlayMaker supported.

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