
Publisher Bit Barrel Media
File size 26.23MB
Number of files 4
Latest version 3
Latest release date 2021-08-25 11:26:45
First release date 2015-10-06 09:53:19
Supported Unity versions 2018.4.2 or higher

SpriteLights consists of custom shaders and an API which can be used to render millions of Physically Based lights in a single batch. They are not regular Unity lights, as it doesn't render light hitting a surface. Instead, it renders the light source itself.

The light changes brightness depending on the viewing angle, attenuates with distance, and is visible even if it is smaller than one pixel. This combination gives the lights a realistic appearance when viewed from a distance.

It is perfect for Flight Simulators as it contains some aviation specific lights such as walking strobes,PAPI lights, and runway approach lights. Other use cases are: star fields, point clouds, and city lights.


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