Sprite Capture


Publisher H3B7
File size 806.19kB
Number of files 30
Latest version 1
Latest release date 2020-10-26 02:15:17
First release date 2020-10-26 02:15:17
Supported Unity versions 2018.4.2 or higher
Automate the capture of sprites from 3D Objects.

Sprite Capture was developed to automate the production of sprites for use in inventory systems that require a sprite (Game Creator, Adventure Creator, etc).

• Drag-Drop prefabs to automatically centre and scale.

• Add outline, backdrop to sprites.

• Create individual sprites or sprite sheets.

• Includes an API for extending functionality.

• Also works with skinned meshes to create 2D character movement sheets.

URP / HDRP Sprite Capture works quite happily under URP and HDRP; however, the demo scene material will need converting.

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