Social Login iOS & Android


Publisher Acaplay
File size 14.53MB
Number of files 4
Latest version 2
Latest release date 2018-07-11 04:57:24
First release date 2018-04-05 10:29:19
Supported Unity versions 2018.4.2 or higher
Social Login iOS & Android is a Unity template that gives you a quick and easy way for you to integrate Google SignIn SDK, Twitter Kit SDK, Facebook SDK in your Unity project.

1. Login with Google
2. Login with Twitter
3. Login with Facebook

Beside also you can use it to integrate with Firebase SDK for Firebase login. Ver 2.2: 1. Upgrade to Unity 2017.4.0f1 2. Upgrade to Facebook SDK 7.13.0 - Remove some permission follow changed from Facebook. 3. Get email when login with Twitter 4. Update guideline

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