Simple Turret System

Publisher Tixelx Studio
File size 6.56MB
Number of files 48
Latest version 1
Latest release date 2018-04-19 04:22:20
First release date 2017-07-07 10:44:23
Supported Unity versions 2018.4.2 or higher
What this package has:
- Turret Model
- Auto Targeting of Turret
- Laser Navigation of Targeting
- Optimized Shooting System
- Health handling
- Ammo handling
- Realistic sound
- Realistic Effects
It is a very simple turret package. Everything is done for you. Just place the prefab of turret and assign it its target and that’s it. Turret has some range and limited ammo. As the target will get in range the turret will auto Aim the target and start shooting it till its health goes to zero.

Free asset that has been used in this package is: (Try this too)

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