Simple Cat with Funny Animations Vol.2

Publisher Southport Art Studio
File size 7.60MB
Number of files 84
Latest version 1.3.0
Latest release date 2023-01-12 09:55:10
First release date 2022-08-08 07:19:14
Supported Unity versions 2018.4.2 or higher

4 types of Cats with animations

- Tom

- Tom_Challenge

- Tom_Relax

- Tom_Yawn

3 colors of Cat Feather Toys with animations

- CatFeatherToy_G

- CatFeatherToy_P

- CatFeatherToy_Y

6 colors of Bowls & Kibbles

- BowlKibble_B

- BowlKibble_DB

- BowlKibble_G

- BowlKibble_O

- BowlKibble_R

- BowlKibble_Y

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