SciFi Ambient Audio

Don Hogan

Publisher Don Hogan
File size 246.82MB
Number of files 10
Latest version 1
Latest release date 2012-10-01 12:52:07
First release date 2012-03-12 10:50:37
Supported Unity versions 2018.4.2 or higher
SciFi Ambient Audio tracks for games, a sound collection containing seven unique looping tracks and two alternate tracks.

These nine looping tracks are made to be used as background audio for your games in various settings. Four tracks are designed to create a sense of mystery and suspense, two are faster paced and intended for moments with more action (each of these has a variation), and one track is a short loop useful for loading screens and menus.

All files are provided in WAV format, 16 bit, 44100Hz Stereo and loop.

01-Abandoned.wav - 3:44
02-Action01.wav - 1:52
03-Action02v2.wav - 1:52
04-Action02.wav - 3:44
05-Action02v2.wav - 3:44
06-Exploring.wav - 4:00
07-Discovery.wav - 5:44
08-Derelict.wav - 3:04
09-Travelling.wav - 1:16

Running time is a total of 23:23 for the seven unique tracks.

Track montage can be found at Soundcloud

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