RT-RRT* Pathfinding

Publisher Stellar Remnants
File size 114.50kB
Number of files 32
Latest version 1.8.0
Latest release date 2022-05-27 08:08:14
First release date 2022-01-31 10:13:13
Supported Unity versions 2018.4.2 or higher

RT-RRT* is based on the Rapidly Exploring Random Tree* (RRT) algorithm which is widely used in robotics. RT-RRT improves RRT* by using a real-time sampling approach.

DOES NOT require any type of grid, navmesh, graph or tiles and works on both XY and XZ planes.

Enter the size and location that you want the RT-RRT* to run at, define the layers that you want to be treated as static obstacles, define dynamic obstacles, and done!

Includes many fine tuning parameters such as goal orientation ratio, informed sampling ratio, maximum running time, maximum steps to look ahead and many others.

Use the built in functions to find path or use the included Waypoint Creator Tool for patrol/loop movements.

Includes a maze like demo scene with dynamic obstacles to get you familiarized with the package.

Full source code included.