Rock climber slot game assets

Publisher bestgamekits
File size 36.83MB
Number of files 582
Latest version 1
Latest release date 2015-12-01 09:27:18
First release date 2015-12-01 09:27:18
Supported Unity versions 2018.4.2 or higher

NOTE! This pack contains graphics only!

First video is just for the demonstration purpose

Examples of animation




This item contains well organized files


- Main game (PSD)

- Bonus game (PSD)

- Risk game (PSD)


2-10 (Hearts, Diamonds, Clovers, Pikes)

Animations (png sequences with 24 fps)

- Win effect (small square effect which appears in front of a slot icon)

- icon win effect (put it atop of the icon with Addictive blend effect)

- Mega win shaking animation

- Bonus icon

- Fire

- idle

- Gems (blue, green, purple, red, yellow) idle

- break

- Rock climber idle

- Logo (a small logo in the game)

- light sweep

Game resolution 1280×800

Fonts used:

AGCrownStyle Roman

Franklin Ghotic Medium

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