Rest Client for Unity

Publisher Proyecto 26
File size 1.12MB
Number of files 27
Latest version 2.6.2
Latest release date 2021-12-27 11:36:11
First release date 2018-03-05 05:04:25
Supported Unity versions 2018.4.2 or higher

Simple HTTP and REST client for Unity based on Promises, also support Callbacks!

Documentation | Support


- Works out of the box.

- Make HTTP requests from Unity.

- Supports HTTPS/SSL.

- Built on top of UnityWebRequest system.

- Includes JSON serialization with JsonUtility (Other tools are supported!).

- Automatic transforms for JSON Arrays.

- Supports default HTTP Methods (GET, POST, PUT, DELETE, HEAD, PATCH).

- Based on Promises for a better asynchronous programming.

- Handle HTTP exceptions and retry requests easily.

- Open Source.

Supported Platforms:

* All platforms.

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