Realistic Snow VFX

Publisher Monstrous Moonshine
File size 12.30MB
Number of files 52
Latest version 1
Latest release date 2019-07-09 08:53:08
First release date 2019-07-09 08:53:08
Supported Unity versions 2018.4.2 or higher
Realistic Snow VFX is a collection of Shuriken Particle Systems.

Includes: 5 prefabs of different strength:
- light
- medium
- heavy
- storm
- blizzard
Each snow type is available for default RP, LWRP and HDRP.

How to use:
Attach a prefab to a camera in your scene and set all transforms of the prefab to 0.
A better, more beautiful look can be achieved if using post-processing.

For correct work of LWRP or HDRP versions, make sure your project supports either of those RP (includes all packages and dependencies).

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