Realistic Lightning and Rain Effects

Publisher JJTW Games
File size 7.27MB
Number of files 58
Latest version 1.6.4
Latest release date 2023-08-28 12:12:11
First release date 2020-08-31 07:44:13
Supported Unity versions 2018.4.2 or higher

The "Realistic Lightning and Rain Effects" package can help create astonishing 

effects for realistic-looking storm scenes.

It’s very easy to use:

Includes 5 Scene Examples to test different scenarios.

Use the 9 prefabs to set up your own scene (instructions included).

This package uses the LineRenderer component to generate Lightning effects and ParticleSystem for rain effects.

The Lightning Material uses a custom shader to generate effects in bright and dark scenes.

Also included are 2 high quality sound effects (ambient rain and thunder).