Real Flower Particles with Leaf & Petal particles


Publisher Turzo
File size 5.33MB
Number of files 57
Latest version 1
Latest release date 2017-03-14 09:30:29
First release date 2017-02-07 06:51:20
Supported Unity versions 2018.4.2 or higher
☛ 10 Amazing real life Flower particle systems, 2 Leaf particle systems and 1 Petal particle system in this package.

☛ All the particle system comes with HD quality textures.

☛ Find the all the prefabs in FallingFlowers > Prepabs folder.

☛ Just drag & drop the particle system to your scene as your wish.

☛ Textures, Materials included with this package.

☛ Open & play the 'DemoScene1' in FallingFlowers > Scene folder to see all particles at the same time.

☛ There attached a script called 'SelfDestroy', which will destroy every particle system after 10 seconds while instantiate. Modify the value as your wish.

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