Puzzle Starter - Lite Pack

Publisher [email protected]
File size 13.66MB
Number of files 141
Latest version 1.1.6
Latest release date 2014-07-23 05:53:15
First release date 2014-01-31 01:08:53
Supported Unity versions 2018.4.2 or higher
Full featured 2D package, developed to help create 2D puzzle games.

Custom resolution independent GUI system (total game draw calls is greatly reduced to 3 draw calls !!!)

- Updated version for full Unity 2D environment
- Fewer draw calls by using of Sprite Sheets
- Two levels + Custom GUI scene (BONUS).
- Easy to understand (read the explanatory documentation provided within package!).
- Code C#
- Very easy to expand from first level to any number of levels.
- Unity GUI sistem (you can use yours or our bonus custom GUI if you want).
- Glow effect on pieces and sounds with game music
- Mobile ready.

- Presentation video:
- On YouTube

- puzzle pieces are forced to stay on game screen (you cannot drag them off screen anymore)
- puzzle pices that are placed in wrong spots are returning to their initial position.
- pieces are snap to right position only on mouse up (or finger up) that way increasing overall difficulty.

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