Asset Store Publisher: How to Create & Sell Digital Assets? Book & Manual

Publisher Makaka Games
File size 6.08MB
Number of files 68
Latest version 2
Latest release date 2024-02-13 08:37:14
First release date 2018-09-11 05:40:11
Supported Unity versions 2018.4.2 or higher

Asset Store Publisher Book is about 3 years of experience, mistakes and success, nuances of business and helping people in solving their tasks.

For Unity Publishers. By Unity Publisher.

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👉 Summary

Hi, I'm Andrey Sirota: Founder of Makaka Games and Publisher on Unity Asset Store.


In the book I have systematized the accumulated knowledge, tips & tricks concerning the business on Unity Asset Store.

It's a product that I'm really proud of. The knowledge described in the book is universal and does not depend on the specific asset category.

I have studied all the materials that I could find (really, every blue link & and my personal interviews with publishers) about Unity Asset Store on the Web in English and Russian, but this is not enough to understand the overall picture.

That's why, I decided to write a Book, which answers all critical questions. So, welcome to publisher community & let's create a business.

📚 Docs & Support

Learn the Documentation for all my Assets.

If you find a bug, or you can't use the asset as you need, please first get the support before leaving a review on the asset store.

I am here to help and to improve my assets for the best. Response time can be up to 5 business days.

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