Prototyping Pack (Free)

Publisher DigitalKonstrukt
File size 2.27MB
Number of files 160
Latest version 1
Latest release date 2017-07-18 05:42:34
First release date 2017-07-18 05:42:34
Supported Unity versions 2018.4.2 or higher

This is the free version of our prototyping package. This package comes with many different prefabs in different dimensions and contains objects like doors, bridges, ladders and so on. This version contains no scripts!

This Package contains:
- 66 Prefabs
- 15 Materials
- 12 Textures (2k)

- 3 Bridges
- 1 Chest
- 6 Collectables
- 6 Columns
- 2 Cubes
- 5 Cuboids (floor or ceiling)
- 6 Doors
- 2 Elevators
- 3 Ladders
- 1 Lamp + Spotlight
- 6 Points of Interests
- 3 Ramps
- 3 Stairs
- 3 Tunnels
- 15 Walls

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