PrimeTween · High-Performance Animations and Sequences

Publisher Kyrylo Kuzyk
File size 11.22MB
Number of files 49
Latest version 1.1.18
Latest release date 2024-05-11 09:48:14
First release date 2023-08-15 12:31:14
Supported Unity versions 2018.4.2 or higher

PrimeTween is a high-performance, allocation-free animation library for Unity.

Animate anything with just one line of code, tweak all animation properties directly from the Inspector, and create complex animation sequences. No runtime memory allocations, ever.

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🔥 Highlights 🔥

  • Zero-allocation animations, shakes, delays, and sequences.
  • Unity Package Manager (UPM) ready.
  • Simple and consistent API. Animate anything with one line of code.
  • Full source code is available.
  • Reliable, covered by tests, and ready for production.

💡 Features 💡

  • Easing functions: choose a standard easing function or provide a custom animation curve for animations.
  • Shakes: shake the camera, Transform, or any arbitrary property.
  • Callbacks: execute custom code when animations complete.
  • Sequences: combine animations, delays, and callbacks into complex sequences.
  • Inspector integration: all animation properties are tweakable from the Inspector. Tweak start and end values, duration, cycles, etc. Choose a standard easing function or provide a custom animation curve. All without re-compiling the code.
  • Coroutines: wait for animations and sequences in coroutines.
  • Async/await: await animations and sequences in async methods.
  • Cycles: repeat, play animations back and forth like a yoyo, or cycle them indefinitely.
  • Frame perfect: 1-second animation always takes 60 frames on 60 FPS.





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