PMS MAC-10 - Models and Textures

Publisher Promesh Studio
File size 131.58MB
Number of files 24
Latest version 1
Latest release date 2020-12-04 08:46:27
First release date 2020-07-20 09:06:15
Supported Unity versions 2018.4.2 or higher
High Quality Triple A models and textures.

Low-poly PBR, 3D model ready for Virtual Reality (VR), Augmented Reality (AR) or games.

PMS MAC-10 SMG - Model and Textures

PMS MAC-10 Suppressor - Model and Textures

Every element which requires animation has been detached.

Technical Details


Lod0 - 16.525 tris
Lod1 - 11.362 tris
Lod2 - 5.589 tris
2 texture sets at 4k resolution

MAC-10 Suppressor:

Lod0 - 680 tris
Lod1 - 520 tris
Lod2 - 432 tris
1 texture variation at 2k resolution

- Prefabs included
- 3D Template included
- URP Template included
- Demo Scene Included

Check the youtube video on how to convert the package to 3D or URP

"This Unity Package has Package Manager dependencies."
Press skip if this warning shows up.

- Important! ONLY models and textures!

For more information you can send me an e-mail or join my discord server.

Promesh Studio

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