Plumber Particles

Publisher Present Creative
File size 6.40MB
Number of files 135
Latest version 1
Latest release date 2016-09-09 04:56:25
First release date 2016-09-09 04:56:25
Supported Unity versions 2018.4.2 or higher
23 Particle Systems inspired by some of the magical aesthetics found in some of my favorite console games.

check out the web demo

This particle system set of was inspired by my love for the effects wizards who work on some of the lower end consoles.

Since lesser consoles don't have the horse power other systems have, the artists working on the last decade of first party titles have had to be incredibly clever in their usage of layers and limited particles to convey the look they are going for. Their result is a beautiful aesthetic built for low power systems like todays mobile devices. This pack is my homage to their greatness.

Disclaimer, I am not a shader developer. While this shader isn't the same as the one made by Jean Moreno, we couldn't have done it with out him. I highly recommend everyone check his work on the Unity store.Free MatCap Shaders by Jean Moreno.

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