Platformer Tileset - Pixelart Fantasy


Publisher BigManJD
File size 904.05kB
Number of files 1765
Latest version 1
Latest release date 2024-11-21 06:44:12
First release date 2024-11-21 06:44:12
Supported Unity versions 2018.4.2 or higher

Create sprawling metroidvania-inspired environments filled to the brim with detail.

3 animated characters:

  • Knight with Idle frame, death frame, run animation, jump animation, fall animation, roll animation, and two attack animations
  • Skeleton + sword and helmet with Idle frame, jump frame, fall frame, run animation, attack animation, and broken apart bones
  • Goblin with idle frame, death frame, run animation, flip animation

3 animated chests:

  • 3 tiers of chests (Silver, Gold, Platinum) with open animation, close animation, and mimic animation.

4 terrain tilesets:

  • Dirt tileset with 4 different grass variants
  • Background dirt tileset with 4 different grass variants
  • Stone tileset with 4 different grass variants
  • Background stone tileset with 4 different grass variants

3 castle tilesets:

  • Brick tileset with 4 variants
  • Brick background tileset with decorations
  • Wooden platform tileset

2 Foliage tilesets:

  • Bush tileset with 7 different colors
  • Foliage decoration tileset with 4 different colors

47 foliage decorations:

  • 4 tree types with 4 different color variants
  • 5 background foliage decorations with 5 color variants

52 castle decorations:

  • 2 pots with 4 different color variants
  • 2 boxes with 2 variants
  • 2 barrels
  • 3 piles o' bones
  • 2 doors
  • 2 banners with 4 color variants
  • 8 framed paintings
  • 2 suits of armor

4 parallax backgrounds:

  • 8 layer forest background with 3 color variants
  • 4 layer dungeon background