Platform Game 2D

Publisher Vectrum Technologies
File size 8.13MB
Number of files 441
Latest version 1
Latest release date 2022-10-17 10:03:13
First release date 2022-10-17 10:03:13
Supported Unity versions 2018.4.2 or higher

Platform Game 2D is a multifunctional asset, which is useful for both using many game sprites and game elements from it and having ready-made behaviors for different game characters. You may find various elements in this asset such as:

  • Resources (11 types)
  • Enemies (12 types)
  • Platforms (more than 10 types)
  • Locations
  • Elements of nature
  • Toxic area
  • UI elements
  • Additional elements

There is also an Adobe Illustrator file where you can change every vector element and then use it during your game-making.

There are different animations in the project, such as player walking, dying, rock explosion, dark tower shooting, toxic area entering, etc. All the elements exist in different colors, so you can use them in different locations (planets). There are various kinds of enemies. Each of them has its own weak and strong places. Enemies are dynamic and you can make them move and behave as you want

Using this asset every game developer can make Mario-like games for fun or a product for any mobile market.

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