Penguin ARPG Toolkit


Publisher patpat
File size 4.23MB
Number of files 337
Latest version 1.0.0
Latest release date 2024-11-29 06:55:13
First release date 2024-11-29 06:55:13
Supported Unity versions 2018.4.2 or higher

Who is it for?

Experience with the Unity Editor and fluency in C# are required to use this package. PAT is designed for users who want full freedom to create custom game-specific controls and actions while relying on a robust infrastructure. You’ll be expected to provide your own assets and write custom input, animation, and action modifier code.

Non-programmers are welcome to use PAT but it is designed for extensibility and customization.

How is it used?

[Tutorial Link]

You add a Character component, a Character Locomotion Base component, a Locomotion Motor component of your choice and a capsule collider or any other components required by your Motor to your Game Object. Then put your character model with ModelHandler component under your character Game Object, also drag LocomotionSets prefab and create your own action states as needed.

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