PBR Toon Mayan Top Down Enviroment

Publisher Itchy Games
File size 105.72MB
Number of files 193
Latest version 1
Latest release date 2018-05-30 05:52:20
First release date 2018-05-30 05:52:20
Supported Unity versions 2018.4.2 or higher

This Art package includes 4 different top down environments with EL DORADO as main theme.

Due to the asset's nature, its updates will be focused on fix possible mesh issues, add new meshes using actual texture atlases or add simple functionalities to use on them (or its prefabs).


- 4 enviroment themes: Catacombs, Golden Temple, Gardens,

- 1 Material per enviroment with 2048x2048 atlas textures

- each material consist in 4-5 textures (Diffuse, Normal, PBR Metallic, Occlusion and Emissive).

- an extra Metallic/Roughness/occlusion map for custom shaders (More info in documentation).

- optimized for mobile

- prepared for vertex snapping, 3D tile editors and map generators.


- Documentation

- 78 prefabs

- 72 meshes

- 22 Textures

- 4 animations

- 4 Animation Controllers

- 2 example scenes

- (more content can be added depending on feedback)

Can be used on:

- (Top Down) Shooters

- action and turn based RPGs

- Tactical RPGs

- Puzzles?

- etc.