Parker Bridge


Publisher metadesc
File size 412.93MB
Number of files 96
Latest version 1
Latest release date 2016-09-19 11:14:27
First release date 2016-09-19 11:14:27
Supported Unity versions 2018.4.2 or higher
This is a bridge, which looks like a parker bridge. The bridge asset consists of 5 models:

- bridge (about 4500 vertices)
- bridge end 1
- bridge end 2
- bridge connector
- end bridge holder

Unity 5 standard shader was used. and some unity image effects for the videos and screenshots.

The cars are not included! The were just used for the videos.

The maximal components of the detailed bridge can be about 250. Depends on your scene, you should join most as possible bridge parts for performance reasons. One joined bridge type is included, where the bigger parts are separate objects and also some smaller bridge holder for making a damaged bridge or a bit different looking bridge.

Textures are 2048 and 1024. The Substance Painter (1.7.3) project file is included in this project, so you can colorize and change the textures easily, if you have Substance Painter.

The mesh is well optimized for games, the bridge model has about 4500 vertices, but still well detailed.

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