Orbiter 3D (Camera and Objects)

File size 67.84kB
Number of files 7
Latest version 1.2.0
Latest release date 2022-08-16 02:42:59
First release date 2021-03-05 03:16:12
Supported Unity versions 2018.4.2 or higher

Get your Camera or Objects orbit around a desired point in a spherical orbit.

Useful for:

-Simulate planets/particles orbiting around another Gameobject.

-Record and orbitting perspective of an object with the camera.


-Object looks at center of gravitation: Make your gameobject constantly look at the center of gravitation or not while orbiting.

-Distance to orbit center: How far you want your object to orbit from the center of gravity.

-Orbit speed: how fast you want your gameobject to orbit around (Negative values will make it orbit the opposite direction).

-Inclination: From -1 to 1, select how inclined the object will be regarding a theoretical sphere around the center of gravity.

-Up and Down: Set this option to add an "up and down" movement while orbiting with customizable speed.

-Back and Forth: Simulate a back and forth movement of the orbitting object regarding its center of gravitation.

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