OpenMMO - Groundwork

Publisher Steampunk Squirrel
File size 24.38MB
Number of files 1036
Latest version 0
Latest release date 2020-03-02 12:44:20
First release date 2020-02-06 03:09:12
Supported Unity versions 2018.4.2 or higher
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Nothing beats "Free"
OpenMMO - Groundwork is the very first free and open-source small-scale MMORPG asset for Unity3d. It has been handcrafted from ground-up to provide advanced Unity3d users with a solid foundation for their own projects. OpenMMO is also geared towards Unity3d developers who can use the asset in order to modify and expand it in form of “Modules”.

Note: OpenMMO is under active development and far from complete. Many basic features are already in place, with more to come in the future.

* Free & Open-Source - built with passion and not with a commercial goal in mind.
* Third Person - Geared towards 3d games with third person character controllers utilizing either NavMesh or Physics based movement.
* Server Authorative - All client actions are server authorative and hack-safe.
* NetworkManager - based on open-source Mirror (The No. 1 UNET Replacement)
* DatabaseManager - supports both SQLite and mySQL out of the box (hot swap)
* Account Functionality - Create, Delete, Select user accounts.
* Character Functionality - Create, Delete, Select player characters.
* Multiple Server/Scenes Functionality - Players can move between servers/scenes at will.
* Additive Scenes/Chunk Loading Functionality - Client load the active scene in junks to lessen the load.
* to be continued...

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