Stylized Pack - Cute Low Poly Office

Publisher Karma Labs
File size 1.84MB
Number of files 80
Latest version 1
Latest release date 2024-09-23 07:40:17
First release date 2024-09-23 07:40:17
Supported Unity versions 2018.4.2 or higher

This package includes 65 office props. You can easily create and customize your office for your mobile, PC, and console games. DEMO SCENE Included!

Tested for:

Universal RP - Unity Unity 2022.3+

Textures & Materials:

- 1024x1024px .png Atlas

- Materials for Walls and Floors

Models Interior:

- Arcade Machines (2 Colors)

- Boards (2 Colors)

- Books (2 Colors)

- Book Groups (3 Colors)

- Box

- Broken Table

- Broken TV

- Cabinets (2 Colors)

- Chairs (3 Different Chairs)

- Clipboard, Paper, Frames

- Clocks (2 Different Types)

- Coffee Machine (2 Colors)

- Coffee Mug

- Desks (3 Different Types)

- Desk Frame

- Door & Wall

- File Cabinets (2 Colors)

- Lamps (2 Different Types)

- Laptop

- Pencil Case

- Plants (6 Different Types and Colors)

- Video Game Consoles (Old & New)

- Sofas (2 Different Types)

- Stairs (3 Different Types)

- Tables (4 Different Types)

- TVs (2 Different Types)

- TV Units (2 Different Types)

- Vending Machines (2 Colors)

- Water Dispancers (2 Colors)

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