

Publisher NPlugins
File size 0.96MB
Number of files 12
Latest version 1.0.1
Latest release date 2017-01-11 10:51:21
First release date 2015-10-22 06:24:20
Supported Unity versions 2018.4.2 or higher

NSqlite - Your data stored without querying.

This very simple plugin allows you to store your model classes into an Sqlite database, and return your stored data back as model class!

It's really simple to use, requiring only that the model classes inherit from a provided base class.

Supported Data Types:

* DateTime

* Integer

* Float

* Double

* String

* Boolean

* IList

* Vector2

* Vector3

* Vector4

* Rect

* Quaternion

* Color

* Array

* Any custom class with the above data types, and inheriting from base class.

Unsupported Data Types:

* Dictionaries

* Other UnityEngine classes


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