Must Dash Life System Editor

Publisher Must Dash Productions
File size 3.36MB
Number of files 34
Latest version 1
Latest release date 2018-09-17 05:47:16
First release date 2018-09-13 11:37:08
Supported Unity versions 2018.4.2 or higher

Must Dash Life System Editor. Perfect for mobile and tablet devices and any type of game where you need to keep track of lives easily. Especially Rogue likes and dungeon crawlers. The in game HUD is easy to manipulate through the easy to understand UI of the editor extension.

With this Life System Manager you can quickly and easily keep track of the player's health during testing.

You can quickly and easily adjust multiple settings such as:

Image size

Spacing between images

Track images during play testing

Easily load you own images and re-order them

Experiment with different image fill effects

Package includes:

Life System Manager UI object (Prefab)

Life Image (showing health) (Prefab)

Heart Images (five .PNGs, used by Life Image for fill effect)

Life System Manager.cs (script)

Life System Manager Editor.cs (script)

Load Sprites.cs (script)

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