Multiplayer VR Fusion Template

Publisher IRONHEAD Games
File size 0.94GB
Number of files 520
Latest version 1
Latest release date 2022-11-23 02:02:22
First release date 2022-09-09 12:45:13
Supported Unity versions 2018.4.2 or higher

This asset is a Multiplayer VR template that uses Photon Fusion for Multiplayer, and customizable half-body VR Avatars for its VR Avatar system.

You can use this asset to create your own Multiplayer Social VR experiences or implement Multiplayer VR into your existing project. It includes the necessary systems for Multiplayer VR such that:

-Voice Chat (Photon Voice 2)

-Login with Playername

-VR Keyboard

-VR Half Body

-Avatar Customization System

-Creating and joining Virtual Rooms

-Lobby list with active rooms and active player count

-Joining session with code

-VR Player Movement Synchronization

-Login, Home, Networked Scenes (Lounge and SpaceBase) included

-Editor Scripts for easy Multiplayer testing