

Publisher ryle-e
File size 654.95kB
Number of files 67
Latest version 1.0.0
Latest release date 2024-07-22 05:09:11
First release date 2024-07-22 05:09:11
Supported Unity versions 2018.4.2 or higher

MSwarms is a package developed for games that need swarms or groups with replicated and easily customisable behaviour. Other Boids or swarm packages focus primarily on having a lot of agents of a specific type (e.g fish, birds) with limited control over their behaviour and little to no support for behavioural divergence- MSwarms is directed towards behaviour control and allows pseudo-divergence.

It comes packed with >10 separate behaviour modules ready to be used and deeply customised, with the ability to very easily implement more as is seen fit- this means that you can replicate specific behaviour patterns across a large number of agents, allowing for simple or complex simulations alike.

Swarms can be separated across and differentiate behaviour in response to layers, dynamically grown and shrunk, modified at runtime, integrated with pre-existing gameplay and more! :) They're made to be easy to use and deeply customisable for whatever purpose you may have.

Hopefully this package sounds cool and useful for your project- if you have any questions, concerns, or suggestions, shoot me an email !! This is my first package, any and all feedback is deeply appreciated and I'll do my best to be around for any support you might need :))

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