Movie & Image to Particles

Publisher Ping Pong Technologies
File size 6.63MB
Number of files 14
Latest version 2
Latest release date 2020-10-21 09:35:27
First release date 2015-04-22 09:16:38
Supported Unity versions 2018.4.2 or higher
Unity 5 Compatable

PPT Particles 2D System is a particle system for Unity. In this package you can find:

_ Transformation from any texture 2D (image) to a particle system with alpha cut off

_ Transformation from any render texture (video or other camera) to a particle system. This means videos or objects can be rendered as a particle system. _ External forces for the PPT Partciles 2D System attached to gameObjects

_ Minimum and maximum mass particle value

_ Spring constant for the particle system

_ Damping value for the particle system

_ Resolution and particle size of the particle

_ Two different integrator system for the performance

_ Drag value for viscosity effect

_ Activate / Deactivate the spring forces for the system

Video - Video