Motorbike : Classic style

Publisher Pradeilles Thomas
File size 97.27MB
Number of files 12
Latest version 1
Latest release date 2015-12-29 09:07:20
First release date 2015-03-02 11:17:07
Supported Unity versions 2018.4.2 or higher
A nicely shaped motorbike with comfortable leather seat. Comes in many color, a strong helmet and beautifull sunglasses.

Sources :
This model include a source folder with model as .3ds and textures as .psd. Texture include two layer that will let you change easily the color scheme of this motorbike and his helmet.

Model :
- Motorbike 10 389 tris
- Helmet 1 672 tris

Textures : (2048x2048)
- Diffuse
- Specular
- Gloss
- Normal map
- Emissive

Rigged : No
Animated : No
Scripted : No

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